We thank the following for their generous financial donations, free meeting space, and donations of various goods and services to the Greater Van Gogos region.
2Bear Studio, Jerry Wang
Alicia-Rae Olafsson
Betty Baxter
Billinkoff & Associates Insurance Services Inc.
Cameron Quality Management Ltd.
Harry Tubbs
Howard Wealth Management and National Bank Financial
La Boheme Consulting, Jo-Anne Emery
Marlborough Elementary School staff and students
Pretty Things Florist & Designer Gifts
Y.A.P.V. Productions, Yunuen Perez Vertti
British Columbia Federation of Retired Union Members (BC FORUM)
British Columbia Government Employees’ Union (BCGEU)
British Columbia Nurses’ Union (BCNU)
British Columbia Teachers’ Federation
Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) BC
Health Sciences Association (HSA) of BC
Hospital Employees Union (HEU)
MoveUP (formerly Canadian Office and Professional Employees Union, COPE 378)