Reflect, Rejuvenate, Renew…
This is the theme of the upcoming International Grandmothers Gathering (IGG) hosted by the Stephen Lewis Foundation (SLF). Grandmother activists from 11 countries are gathering in Winnipeg, MB to work together on national plans of action, make new connections and strengthen the grandmothers movement. Canadian grandmothers will join those from Ethiopia, Eswatini, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
Attend in person or online to participate in this momentous gathering in solidarity with grandmothers in Africa. Simply register on the SLF’s IGG registration page.
For more information, head over to the IGG web page.
Upcoming Events
To find out about our grandmothers group events, keep an eye on the calendar of our Events page and like us on our GVG Facebook page where we share event posts from our groups’ FB pages.