Bear’s Blooms fresh flowers – Now to Dec. 31

fresh flowers

Fresh flowers brighten up home, office or a friend’s day!

Purchase fresh flowers from Bear’s Blooms in this Coquitlam Gogos fundraiser. Take a look at the Bear’s Blooms website for many bright and colourful examples of gorgeous floral arrangements.

fresh flowers poster

All bouquets are created using the freshest flowers just before they begin to bloom so they last longer. Use the code “GOGOS” on your order so that a portion of each sale goes to the Stephen Lewis Foundation via the Coquitlam Gogos.

To Order:  Visit the Bear’s Blooms website and place your order, using the code GOGOS when placing it. (Please note: you can set your order as once, or as a weekly delivery.)

Date:  Ongoing until Dec. 31/22.

Questions:  Contact Lynn at or 604-942-9949.

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